Adding the $ANRX Token to Your Wallet

You can store your $ANRX in various digital wallets.

To add $ANRX to your MetaMask wallet, you must first set up an account and wallet at Click “Sign in” and then “Sign up”. Then, fill complete the required sign in information:

Once you have set up your wallet and are signed into it via the MetaMask website or application, you will need to add $ANRX as a custom token. Click on the assets tab, as depicted below:

Scroll down the account page and click “Add Token”. Click on the option, "Custom Token":

Add the following information to this form and click next:

Token Contract Address: 0xCae72A7A0Fd9046cf6b165CA54c9e3a3872109E0

Token Symbol: $ANRX

Token Decimal: 18

You should now be able to view $ANRX under the assets tab.

Once you have set up your account, you will need to click “Add Funds” in order to add $ANRX to your wallet account. To do so, you must add the contract address for $ANRX. Or, you can use your wallet account to purchase $ANRX on Uniswap.

You should now be able to view your $ANRX, the amount, and the USD equivalent from the “Assets” tab.

For more help, refer to the token viewing instructions at MetaMask:

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Last updated